Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Where Have All the Underwears Gone?

I have a very bad habit of not putting my underwear and socks away after they're washed. Instead, I just bring the hamper into our room and use it like a wonderfully portable sixth drawer. Kyle lives in a constant state of confusion as to which of my clothes are clean and which are dirty.

Recently, I've felt unsettled by the fact that I seem to have much less underwear than I used to. I swear that I could go for at least three weeks without running out of underwear but now, one week after doing laundry, it's slim pickin's in the sixth drawer/hamper. I've searched high and low and can't figure out where they've gone.

I had a friend whose chihuahua used to steal the dirty underwear from her hamper and eat it. But Chaz hasn't been here in a few weeks and I've never found any evidence of munched undies.

And then you always hear about socks vanishing in the dryer but never whole pairs of underwear...

Very strange.


geeksbewithyou said...

I am having the exact opposite problem. I have too many underwears for my drawer.

Unfortunately, they are all cute but crawley. I finally banished them forever this evening.

Now there's mostly sensible, not cute, not crawley underpants in the drawer. And they have lots more room.

Jamie said...

Excellent. Where did you banish them to? A bag beside the dumpster like your bottles and cans?

Heather M. said...

LOL! I'm always running out of undies too. What's up with that?!

Scott and Alanna said...

I believe that "underwear" is already plural.
But I really like that you call them underwears so I'm willing to overlook the gramatical atrocity.

Jamie said...

Woah, grammatical atrocity! Them are fighting words!

Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream