Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I Just Might Never Swim Again

I've always felt uneasy in water, especially water with critters in it. It bothers me to be bobbing at the surface, my white flesh glimmering in the sunlight, while who knows what is swimming below me.

I'm just a small sac of tasty meat bits floating at the top of an underwater universe.

When I'm in deep water I get freaked out when I start to think about the layers of sharp-toothed creatures doing their thing down there. I'm especially bothered by the fact that they can look up at me but I can't see down to them. But after seeing this video on the news tonight, I'm pretty sure I don't want to.


Anonymous said...

wow, us Jamie's really think alike! I put the same video on mine....what a crazy looking thing!

Paige said...

My computer is so old and crappy that right where your glorious oceanic film should be is a big, fat white hole. Boo.

kinneyland said...

What news do you watch?

Anonymous said...

Hi...I too have a fear of deep sea swimming or just being engulfed in deep water in for the reasons why...well that's a long story. But you know, I know Japanese...and that sea creature was not the real thing...that was a replica of the real thing...if you know this it might make you feel a little bit better...because I know it does me but ONLY A teeny tiny BIT better.

kinneyland said...

Also, you'll never be able to ride on a dolphin, manatee or seal if you don't get back in the water.

Jamie said...

Celia, well then I guess I'd better get back in the saddle. The manatee, seal, or dolphin saddle, that is.

Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream