Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The power of the mind

This morning, just after I woke up, I was standing in the bathroom with the door open. All of the sudden I thought, "Hm...maybe I should make a cup of tea."

The thought was weird because I never drink tea in the morning and I was incredibly thirsty for a cold glass of water.

As I shuffled down the hallway, I heard an odd noise. A boiling noise. I walked into the kitchen to see that our insanely crappy electric kettle (which is supposed to shut off automatically) was going full boil. Its white plastic outside was quite hot and feeling a bit soft. Quickly, I came to realize that the kettle had been boiling for over an hour while I slept.

Thanks brain, for alerting me to the possibility of "tea", rather than "kitchen fire".


Ian said...

I don't have any genuine life skills, but years of training does leave me perfectly capable of drawing why your brain did that as a network model. Now where did I leave my "AAARGH! I'm on Fire!" node?...

Jamie said...

I knew that you'd bring it, Ian. And by it, I mean "the science".

Avey said...

Did you still make tea?

Paige said...

Go Team Science!

Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream